7 Things You Need to Know before Leaving High School


Erschienen am 30.10.2017, Auflage: 1/2017
13,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781635688764
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 114 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Are you ready for the next step of your life? Are you prepared for what lies ahead of you? Has science, biology, language, arts, history, and geography adequately prepared you for life after high school? If you are like most students, your life has been orchestrated by parents, guardians, teachers, and guidance counselors. Everything that needs to be done happens without you even thinking about it. Your curriculum is planned, transcripts are sent, schedules are prepared. You show up, take the courses, pass tests. Before you know it, you are about to graduate from high school. Suddenly, you are hit with the reality of whats next? Well, you are about to find out, like many adults before you, that you are not prepared. What high school has given you is a foundation upon which you can build the rest of your life. Building the rest of your life, however, depends solely on you. Seven Things You Need to Know Before Leaving High School will aid you in doing just that. This book is designed intentionally to help you begin the life-long process of personal development because nothing in your life changes unless you change, and nothing in your life gets better unless you get better. The seven lessons discussed in this book will take you on a journey from self-discovery to understanding and achieving success to fully embracing your responsibility for both self and others. This book will revolutionize your thought process and set you on a path of greatness. If youre wondering if this book is solely for junior high or high school students, it is certainly not. This book is for any and everyone who wants to figureout who they are and whats next. It is a must read for all who havent learned these valuable lessons. Life is a journey. Lets make it one you embrace with confidence!

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